They weren’t even planning to create a fork.
Matt said his company was going to all but stop contributing to WordPress for now out of spite against WPEngine
These people said “OK we’ll take responsibility for the next release within the current WordPress organization framework so that work can continue”
Matt said nuh-nuh, no you aren’t
Basically Matt interpreted their “we’re going to take over work within Wordpress since Matt abandoned it” as “we’re taking over Wordpress from Matt” and is telling them through some tortured rhetoric “you aren’t Wordpress, I’m Wordpress, you go do it in a fork instead”
That’s not how open source is sposto work…
My dislike of Wordpress is being validated every day
Why are you hating on WordPress ?
See the article
But why WordPress itself
Bad impression of their development environment and business practices
I don’t get the logic of cutting off contributions of any kind unless they were actively sabotaging the projector something. Seems like that just makes the fork basically a guarantee. And in open source, a fork that discourages community is always going to be at a disadvantage.
Can someone remove this asshole?
It’s more likely that a fork becomes dominant, making him irrelevant. That’s almost the same thing.
Please don’t, this is the best entertainment I’ve had in months!
100% switching to whatever the fork ends up being.
As if people didn’t Clone Wordpress already, let’s call it BlogPrint
This is a guy who should have just went to vegas and bought a expensive escort for his mid life crisis.
For those who haven’t been following this epic meltdown