It was a got damn stunt, offc
The fix is in, and TikTok is now just another implement in Trump and Elon’s disinformation machine. Crazy times, our country is literally being run by the top social media platforms.
The AP is supposed to be a neutral source, but they are decidedly right leaning.
There is clear, relevant reporting to be done on how odd the structure of all this is and that the app’s self imposed shutdown message specifically praised trump, by name. They buried a photo of it, but I don’t see direct text in the article discussing that. They also don’t mention the fact that the CEO had been privately meeting with trump recently.
They say Biden had a part in the ban, though he said publicly he would not enforce it - what matters there, that AP doesn’t mention, is that the republicans held humanitarian aide to Ukraine hostage back in April, saying they’d block unless the tick tok ban was passed. Laying the groundwork for this hollow attempt to “blame Biden” and position trump as a solution (to a problem he instigated and that republican think tanks engineered).
They do say the CEO will attend and have a “prime seating location” but not clarifying that the seats he’ll be in are typically reserved for living past US presidents.
Fucking joke.
They say Biden had a part in the ban, though he said publicly he would not enforce it - what matters there, that AP doesn’t mention, is that the republicans hello humanitarian aide to Ukraine hostage back in April, saying they’d block unless the rock you ban was passed. Laying the groundwork for this hollow attempt to “blame Biden” and position trunk as a solution (to a problem he instigated and that republican think tanks engineered).
You’re making an important point here, but it’s somewhat undermined by the fact that your rogue auto[in]correct needs to be taken out behind the barn and shot.
Ha, wonderful! Corrected, thanks for pointing that out.
Note: I had to manually correct the auto"correct" for just about every word on that small sentence above (and in this note)
So your defense of Biden signing the ban is that he had to because it was tied to arming far-right Nazis in Europe? And you think this is a good argument?
Oh boy…
Spreading for awareness, I’ve been posting this in relevant threads for a week - This is all theater.
trump was always going to “save” tik tok after starting the initial push to ban it (for the wrong reasons) to pretend he did something for you. Worst part is that all of the no/low info voters and non voters will eat it up.
It’s the equivalent of a person pushing you into the middle of the street and at the very last second, that same person tells the drivers to all stop. “Wow, I owe you my life!”
And now, this adds two layers:
You think trump and the Supreme Court are colluding? now they get to say, nah uh!!! Even though again, this is all convoluted.
trump gets to look “stronger” than the “highest court in the land” to help delude the next generation of low info tiktok folks.
P.s. The Chinese “protest” apps that were downloaded are going to mine the FUCK out of these millions of phones in the brief window they have them. Also, when the kids inevitably move back to tiktok, majority of them will still leave these other apps installed on their phones, dormant and collecting indefinitely in the background.
You know many of us agreed to give our data to China rather than messenger or else wise?
What point are you trying to make, and in response to what?
Also what do you think? The PS, China was mentioned and I mentioned China?
Simple. We choose to give our data to another country instead of companies that sell our data without us knowing. Also in Little red book. You see it tells the users to be cautious where they share their facial data and that it’s not needed to use the app?
You’re not making a lot of sense… It also seems that you’re under the impression that tiktok doesn’t sell data and ad profiles like all other social media networks?
No trust me I know TikTok did and how am I not making sense. It’s simple. We choose to go to a literal Chinese app due to our governments decision? How can I make that anymore clear? We chose to give our data to another country? You seem to be hard of reading or thinking there’s some meaning in my text that there’s not, what are you assuming?
Through your odd syntax at times and non-US spellings of common words, seems likely that you aren’t actually from the United States - the US being the place where this farce was perpetrated - yet you speak with an “us” and a “we”… It’s strange.
Anyway, these are a few odd bits of info that seem to inform you as an unreliable source in this discussion. Are you trying to sow discord from afar, you silly little scamp?
I use a Canadian keyboard because it’s easier 😆 but I live in the US just under the great lakes. EST time. Though believe that if you wish. I am influenced by many cultures around the world from Norse, Chinese and more!
Can I ask why are you going after little red book compared to other companies. Like while yes they may mine phone numbers but many many other platforms do it. Though Little Red Book encourages people not to share facial recognition data and you don’t need to, to use their app. They aren’t perfect and no app is but I feel much more inclined to use their app when there’s even a slight warning about sharing certain data compared to others that don’t care.
Also tell me what’s not already online somewhere??? Location, Phone Number, Favourite things all already shared because we agreed! Also honestly I doubt any negative would happen with any data unless someone was against the Chinese government, was extremely rude to the natives of the app or else wise. Which to me seems incredibly fair.
Oh boy…
Ohhh boy? Can we try and keep the conversation flowing and meaningful whether disagreeing or else wise. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying China or any other countries are perfect but of what I’ve seen. They aren’t the enemies the west portrays them to be. Including in my case I am the pupil of Meng Tian’s History. Further innovative and meaningful change.
People like you really don’t get it. You can’t wrap your head around people not caring about their data.
There are people DYING because they don’t have access to affordable healthcare. There are families forced to live in section 8 housing because they can’t afford to feed their family and have a place to live at the same time. Our children are DYING in school while the police sit outside and watch. WE DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT OUR DATA.
This whole debacle should infuriate every single American. 85% of congress voted to disenfranchise 150 MILLION Americans. These assholes can’t agree on anything but they can agree on this. It’s a travesty that our elected officials can spoon feed you some bullshit about China and you forget how they don’t care about you.
You don’t realize how your data not being secure contributes to all of the problems you list.
I imagine the issue is that you think “your data” means that list of your “5 favorite types of hats” you posted yesterday or that mp3 of dogs barking happy birthday on your phone - yes, that is data, but it’s not really what we’re talking about here. Your data collectively, in a profile that is bought and sold, is like your DNA - it is the blueprint to exactly who you are, where/why you are weak and when/how to manipulate you.
I appreciate your passion, but your blind rage here is misplaced and frankly, your position is severely ignorant of the reality you’re currently operating in, in several key areas. You also seem to have wholly constructed an adversarial relationship here where you try to frame me as in support of our Congress, I am not. I don’t agree with how this bill was assembled, lobbied or passed in Congress. I do understand some of the nuance though, so I consider that. As I’ve said, after trump introduced a tiktok ban as a pure racist distraction without any actual substance, republican think tanks took the ball and engineered this situation as a trap, so they could attack either outcome from democrats (because they are feckless, grifting cowards). Key tactic within that strategy was when Republicans held Ukraine aid hostage on the condition that they wouldn’t approve spend unless the tiktok bill was allowed as well. So Congress reluctantly passed it, and Biden signed it and then he made an official statement that he or his administration would not enforce it (essentially saying, we were forced into this bullshit). So at that point, you’re talking about innocent human lives under an active terrorist attack from Russia in the balance.
Again, there’s a lot here you don’t understand it seems. I welcome you to breathe a bit, slow down and have a discussion. Happy to chat if you need.
And people like you don’t get that the worsening of all those problems will only accelerate under Trump’s corrupt plutocracy.
Gaza ceasefire and reversed TikTok ban. He’s basically won over younger voters before he’s even started.
It’s as if plutocrats worldwide are teeing up fake wins to help Trump solidify his power because they see an opportunity to kill off liberalism once and for all.
This story has lots more to run. Trump is giving them a 90 day reprieve but hes going to try and extract something from them.
I suspect he will still try and get them to sell to one of his cronies. And bytedance won’t do that.
What a waste this was.
Is this gonna turn out to be trumps version of the Iran hostage crisis sabotage
Iranian hostages anyone? Look how trump saved the day. He gives them their bread and circuses.
What could Trump do? Anyone know? The law is the law. Lemme guess. He’s just gonna not enforce the law?