The problem isn’t the alert itself, it’s that cops put Twitter links in the alert. If you want to see what the car, suspect, or victim look like, you need to be able to access Twitter.
Police have been doing this for years now. It’s a fast a cheap way to microblog without buying or supporting something with the city’s budget.
The mobile carriers and device OEM’s already participate directly in the Amber alert program. Why is X even part of this?
The problem isn’t the alert itself, it’s that cops put Twitter links in the alert. If you want to see what the car, suspect, or victim look like, you need to be able to access Twitter.
Police have been doing this for years now. It’s a fast a cheap way to microblog without buying or supporting something with the city’s budget.
Why the hell doesn’t FBI or some other fed agency create tools for shit like this? Why is every city reinventing the wheel?
Because they dont allow marijuana users in government jobs
Can’t have those ticket funds going to digital infrastructure when you gotta get up armored trucks to deal with protesters.