In Denmark when a car reaches 6 years, it needs to be safety checked to be used on the roads. After that it’s every 2nd years.
Tesla model 3 managed these safety checks extremely poorly, with 3 times the average failure rate.
In total, 1,392 errors were found on the Tesla model, which is three times as many compared to the other electric cars.
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WTF! How has this been allowed to become an issue again? We solved this problem more than 50 years ago with better Sterring rack.
And the law demands ZERO play in the steering wheel!
I just saw a review recently with a reviewer complaining there was a bit to much play in the steering wheel.
This is probably some drive by wire shit, how is this even legal?
What a fucking travesty. My 18 year old Opel Vectra doesn’t have that problem, and has never needed to have it fixed. A modern quality steering rack just works!!
Goddam this pisses me off! I’m furious they allow this shit to happen now. Every single one of them should be permanently recalled.
Tesla also has an insanely poor accident record, maybe there’s a reason for that!