Microsoft is a major provider of cloud services and artificial intelligence for the Israeli military, according to internal documents related to the contracts between the Israeli Ministry of Defense (MoD) and Microsoft Israel obtained by Drop Site News. The leaked documents show that Israel’s usage spiked dramatically in the months following October 7, 2023 when Israel was using AI and other technology to wage its brutal war on Gaza.
The trove of documents reveals that Microsoft’s ties to the Israeli military are deeper and more lucrative than previously known, exposing the tech giant’s role in supplying advanced cloud and AI services during the war that multiple international bodies, including the International Court of Justice, ruled may plausibly constitute a genocide.
Leaked data show a dramatic spike in Microsoft cloud storage used by the Israeli military, jumping more than 155 percent between June 2023 and April 2024, and peaking just before the Rafah offensive in May 2024. Storage use is an important indicator showing the extent of AI usage, since storage usually grows along with the usage of other cloud products.
Was super obvious last year when Israel was running ads on blogs about their occupation. Super cringe AI stuff.
(12° 23’ 23.456", 66° 15’ 45.789", skin=brown, has_glasses, action=looking_for_food) -> copilot rolls a 24 -> 13/24 it’s a terrorist -> BOOM
“Copilot, read this map of Gaza, and prioritising plausible denyability, give me a list of coordinates of sites that I can claim were being used by Hamas. Rank them in order of increasing atrocity, and make the list really really long, so that by the time we’re literally just bombing schoolchildren, everyone’s kinda got used to it and it’s not much of a headline.”
“Sure thing, IDF, I am well trained to help you with the media management of your atrocities, and you can rest assured that I won’t let facts get in the way of your genocidal plans. I am engineered from the bottom up to sound plausible and like I know what I’m talking about, and I never cared much for the distinction between reality and narrative-confirming fiction anyway.”
Good for Israel! Thanks Microsoft, the one good thing you’ve done recently
Boy I hope no one blows up your kids school, daycare, hospital, etc.
Thanks! Same for your family and public service buildings!