Fuck the very idea of buying anything at CVS other than a prescription. Their prices are predatory high.
And I wouldn’t install their fucking app on Bea Arthur’s phone.
Some stores have started requiring the app to get your prescription. Happened to me. They actually made me install the app before they would fill my Rx. I stopped using that store and went to another neighborhood.
I pick up a client’s meds as part of my job. It’s through Safeway, and I can’t get text notifications anymore when they are ready for pickup, I have to use the app, and I have to have push notifications turned on, so more than half of the notifications are some BS ad for safeway, trying to tempt me into buying bread or some shit. The guy takes over twenty medications, so it’s kind of a nightmare.
I just got a prescription yesterday and that didn’t happen so hopefully they don’t roll it out everywhere. I would find a different pharmacy.
nope, never happening.
“Do my job for me?”
I’m just not gonna shop at CVS
CVS wants me to stop shopping with them.
I’ll just goto a fucking supermarket. It’s faster. Yes, even with the checkouts.
Many supermarkets are enshittifying/rent seeking too though
I’ve been looking into the local veggie co-op. You pay for the season and you can pick up a box of veggies once a week, all locally sourced. I’d go to the farmers market, but I’m worried it’ll just be a bunch of people selling marked up veggies they got from the grocery store.
Fortunately, at the farmers market, you can usually look up the farmer. Eg, visit once or twice just observing, seeing who gets visited by regulars, Google the farm name to look up details and reviews, etc
Will do. Cleaning up the sourcing of my food for both health and political reasons is a goal of mine for 2025. If I can grow it, trade it, or get it from a farmer locally, the supermarkets can take the loss.
Mentally ill CEO dreams up the perfect dystopia where the customer does everything.
If they could, I bet they’d try to implement a discount system for time spent stocking shelves
Do you actually want to stand there while someone is called over to unlock these? I get nothing out of that service experience. Would far rather press a button in an app. It’s just dumb that things are behind glass in the first place.
They drool for the possibility of this.
Not only techno fascism, just ordinary fascism. You know where the companies controls the government and vice versa.
I don’t mind doing it, if I have access to the pharmacy/prescription department.
That’s a no from me dawg
How about I just don’t shop there?
Access would require being logged into the CVS app and connected to the store’s Wi-Fi
Wow. I had to check if the page is the onion
On their wifi? No thanks.
Fuck. This. Noise.
Me reading the headline: who tf resurrected the cvs and made an android app for it
My local grocery store from the Safeway family of stores has Bluetooth beacons that crashed my old phone. Now I turn my phone off as I have to assume these are to track where I am in the store and for how long so they can further target their ads.
Actually downloading their app is 100% a no from me. I’m moving to local stores wherever possible because I can afford it, and to be honest, the grocers raised their prices so much, only certain items are more expensive bought local.
I am sure CVS will not assume the worst when I buy three 12 packs of Magnum XL, two bottles of NyQuil, six cans of Monster Energy and a roll of duct tape.
Lol no.