• WhatAmLemmy@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Those oligarchs are still avoiding public scrutiny, working behind the scenes. They’ve been funding both parties the entire god damn time.

    While Trump is obviously more dangerous and corrupt, and far less trustworthy than average… those oligarchs could not care less. They have more in common with a Russian or Chinese oligarch than they do with 99.999% of the American population. They have homes around the world; fallout shelters and citizenship in NZ, as well as the EU or Singapore. They have private security teams that cost more per year than you or I will make in a lifetime. Whatever happens, they’ll remain protected by all mainstream political parties the world over. Trump is a dementia patient. He doesn’t read anything he signs (like most of congress). He’s literally just a doormat for moneyed interests. The cost to bribe him is 1/1000th the tax cuts he gives them. The ROI is a no brainier. They’re not afraid of theocracy or fascism. They’re the ones implementing it.