“Stargate” is already taken for another science fiction. You’ll have to pick another name.
The project should be called Wormhole Xtreme
“It’s… What I do!”
“It’s what … I do?”
On the other hand, he’s being consistent with stealing things and claiming they’re his.
The good news is that if SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son backs it, it’ll fail in a matter of months.
…but also make altman rich and ready for the next scam.
50 States, 50 Protests, 1day
Feb 5 @ your downtown.
Why would anything socially progressive organize on Facebook? Most normal people I know have abandoned that platform, let alone anyone privacy-minded or anti-oligarch.
Despite what you observed in your circle of friends, Facebook still have millions of users in the US and billions world-wide.
Cuz you need the retards who are still there.
These greedy muthas can’t even name stuff without robbing someone else’s names.
And not the good kind, where we kill fake gods
No, see, it will be very real. Nothing like the show. We launch this ring thing into orbit, then we attach really long rubber bands between it and the passenger capsule. Then we simply released the capsule from the big ass tripod holding the rubber bands in tension. Theoretically that capsule would definitely get to the Moon that much quicker.