I currently use a large computer monitor as a television, and use a Google TV hdmi plugin to access content.
Rather than have Google selling all my personal data I would rather pay more for a privacy respecting alternative. Does something like the Vero V offer similar functionality, and if not what should I be using?
Ideally the solution should be family friendly using a remote to operate, and can access mainstream channels
Jellyfin and biiiig collection of series & movies.
Plex tracks everything you watch
Why did I write Plex? I moved to Jellyfin maybe 3 or 4 years ago and never looked back. I have to edit my comment.
if you want a pragmatic answer, apple tv with emby or jellyfin+infuse works for me. not saying apple is perfect but at least their business model is not 100% dependent on monetizing your data and targeted ads.
Raspberry pi with OSMC (Kodi on Linux) OSMC remote control (A Vero is good too.) Large storage drive
You can get a plug-in to watch YouTube, you can watch local movies, you can build your own media library using local software and it’ll be small enough to carry it around in your pocket.
We just use a dumb TV and free antenna service.
Check Tyler the Antenna Man, he knows more than I…
Over the air broadcasts, DVD and Blurays from thriftshops bought with cash, jelly for your dowloads you get over VPN.
Are over the air broadcasts still a thing? Sorry if that’s a stupid question. Used DVD’s and Blu-ray’s are a certified fuck yeah.
in case you’re on the older side, in addition to what they said in the other comment OTA broadcasts are now digital HD.
If by mainstream channels you mean major streaming services then there is no perfectly private option. But I would recommend an AppleTV as the closest thing (it also doesn’t have ads which I really appreciate).
Other than that your options are devices that can’t access major streaming services at greater than 720p and are hackily put together on multiple levels but are fine for streaming local media you host yourself or more expensive than ATV devices and modding them with alternative launchers.
Like the actives on that card aren’t tracked.