Inhouse founding across employes. Options are unlimited if you are willing to share 10% of future profit and worker is willing to cut their pay by same amount for a year of funding. Most companies don’t want to do it and just trying to milk the workers and r&d as soon as possible. Create business partners, not cows that if don’t give milk you immidiately put into slaughterhouse.
I question the theory of r&d ->bankruptcy, most don’t go under. Xerox not being Microsoft had nothing to do with r&d cost.
r&d is the cost of not falling behind. For smaller company a good work environment and motivated staff is important. The people do offhour research because they like stuff they are doing. They don’t do it for the company, but they bring the skills and knowledge back to work.
Make R&D more affordable? Lower your countries healthcare costs and rent.
Open source the research! I know people don’t think this is the best way for a company to do R&D, but it will get tons of people that are interested in whatever you’re doing to help for free and as a bonus you can find some great talent. Also, I’m not saying you need to give away the keys to your company. You could only open source select parts of the R&D to not give away your secrets.
“What are some foods I can eat?”
This question is insanely unspecific and has not context to what you’re even working on.
Some projects can be done as part of university courses cheaply and slowly.