Is that any worse than people getting their world view from a talking head on 24 news, five second video clips on their phone, or a self curated selection of rage bait propaganda online? The mental decline of humanity is perpetual and overstated.
Is that any worse than people getting their world view from a talking head on 24 news, five second video clips on their phone, or a self curated selection of rage bait propaganda online? The mental decline of humanity is perpetual and overstated.
It sounds like you are talking about use in education then, which is a different issue altogether.
You can and should set your AI to push back against poor reasoning and unsupported claims. They arnt very smart, but they will try.
An AI can produce content that is higher quality than the prompts they are given, particularly for formulaic tasks. I do agree that it would be nice if everyone were more educated, but a large portion of the population will never get there. If simply denying them AI was going to result in a blossoming of self education it would have already happened by now.
I’m not really sure what you mean. They are not perfect, and in fact it will usually reduce the quality of output for a skilled writer, but half of the adults in the US cant read and write at a sixth grade level, and LLMs are greatly improving their ability to solidify and convey their thoughts in a more understandable way.
People bad at math use calculators. People with bad handwriting prefer to type. Weak people use levers. Slow people rely more on wheels. Its like were a bunch of tool using primates or something.
Most of the companies/ceos doing this over the past few weeks do know better. That’s why they didnt say anything earlier. The reason they would be publicly taking this stance now is that they either expect to be rewarded by the incoming administration, or they hope to avoid punitive retaliation.
That would be great, but I just don’t see it happening. The way things are going well be lucky to have a Department of Education in a few years, and public schools might be following right behind. Even if everything turns around tomorrow, all the resources in the world wont get everyone to the level you are aiming at. There are people out there who do not see any value in literacy and there are people who don’t have the brain power. You could assign full time private tutors to follow them around and try to teach them things for their whole lives and you’d barely get anywhere. That’s just something well have to live with. There’s never been a society where everyone was intellectually active, its always been a more or less influential minority. If you want to improve society the best approach making the intellectual voice more influential, not trying to educate the gleefully ignorant.