Separate the Art from the Artist is accepted by SANE people, who don’t have time to milk tirades so that they can play victim on the internet so that strangers think they are virtuous.
There is not a thing you do, have, own, buy, or operate that isn’t part of slavery, human exploitation, etc in some way or another. You only do this because you want to virtue signal to others that you think “good thoughts” and so you can be praised for being brave.
You’re not brave. You don’t make a difference. And nobody cares.
If you eat any kind of meat, your an evil “carnist”. If you don’t adopt pets from the shelter, then you’re contributing to pet farming. If you don’t drink from a paper straw then you’re killing turtles.
Everyone everywhere has some problem with someone’s something. You literally cannot avoid it all. Own a smartphone? Then you’re evil and deserve to die because you’re carrying an item that was made by slavery! Let me guess…you’re not gonna give up the smartphone…are you? Yeah - I didn’t think you would.
Just in time for Digg to be relaunched.