I’ve already had more than one conversation where people quote AI as if it were a source, like quoting google as a source. When I showed them how it can sometimes lie and explain it’s not a primary source for anything I just get that blank stare like I have two heads.
I think I have seen this exact post word for word fifty times in the last year.
And yet they apparently still can’t get an accurate result with such a basic query.
Meanwhile… https://futurism.com/openai-signs-deal-us-government-nuclear-weapon-security
Doc: That’s an interesting name, Mr…
Fletch: Babar.
Doc: Is that with one B or two?
Fletch: One. B-A-B-A-R.
Doc: That’s two.
Fletch: Yeah, but not right next to each other, that’s what I thought you meant.
Doc: Isn’t there a children’s book about an elephant named Babar.
Fletch: Ha, ha, ha. I wouldn’t know. I don’t have any.
Doc: No children?
Fletch: No elephant books.
It’s predictive text on speed. The LLMs currently in vogue hardly qualify as A.I. tbh…
Still, it’s kinda insane how two years ago we didn’t imagine we would be instructing programs like “be helpful but avoid sensitive topics”.
That was definitely a big step in AI.
You asked a stupid question and got a stupid response, seems fine to me.
Yes, nobody asking that question is wonderring about the “straw” part of the word. They’re asking, is the “berry” part one, or two "r"s
Works fine for me in o3-mini-high:
Counting letters in “strawberry”
Alright, I’m checking: the word “strawberry” is spelled S T R A W B E R R Y. Let me count the letters: S (1), T (2), R (3), A (4), W (5), B (6), E (7), R (8), R (9), Y (10). There are three R’s: in positions 3, 8, and 9. So, the answer is 3. Even if we ignore case, the count still holds. Therefore, there are 3 r’s in “strawberry.”
Finally! With a household energy consumption for one day we can count how many Rs are in strawberry.
A normal person would say ‘strawberry with two "r"s’
Skill issue
How many strawberries could a strawberry bury if a strawberry could bury strawberries 🍓
deleted by creator
It is wrong. Strawberry has 3 r’s
deleted by creator
there are two 'r’s in ‘strawbery’
I’ve been avoiding this question up until now, but here goes:
Hey Siri …
- how many r’s in strawberry? 0
- how many letter r’s in the word strawberry? 10
- count the letters in strawberry. How many are r’s? ChatGPT ……2
What would have been different about this if it had impressed you? It answered the literal question and also the question the user was actually trying to ask.
It didn’t? StRawbeRy has 2 rs. StRawbeRRy has 3.
OHHHHHHH… my bad. I’m an idiot. Being an LLM it’s giving the answer it thinks a human such as myself would come up with.
But you realize that it’s wrong on both counts, right?
Strawberry has three Rs or two Rs in the wrong spelling.
The terrifying thing is everyone criticising the LLM as being poor, however it excelled at the task.
The question asked was how many R in strawbery and it answered. 2.
It also detected the typo and offered the correct spelling.
What’s the issue I’m missing?
Uh oh, you’ve blown your cover, robot sir.