As of revision version #85, OpenStreetMap has the following tags for Golfo de México:
- name:en Gulf of Mexico
- official_name:en-US Gulf of America
As an american. I want the option to display it as Gulf of Mexico. Like it’s always been before that fat sack of shit was trying to win points wit hracists to distract them from the hand reaching up their ass to fuck them.
So now that is in the hands of the folks who use the OSM data. It’s in a somewhat exotic tag, so by default any map that uses OSM will still show Gulf of Mexico, unless they actively intervene to show Gulf of America. So if you see an OSM based map showing the latter, you know they made that choice consciously.
As an American I have to second this. Please don’t fall in line to lick trump’s boot
Just like I never called french fries freedom fries, I will never call the gulf of mexico the gulf of america
Hey. Your all blinded by this nothing and elon is getting contracts of money he dismantled from government. Congrats americans. Hope another cou try can put us in our place.
Current U.S. leadership: Our billionaires are gonna be bigger than all the other billionaires in the world put together. (I honestly believe there’s an insecurity motive there: if US billionaires don’t amass significantly more wealth, they won’t be competitive in the billionaire world against outside billionaires.)
U.S. Democracy: If one dollar = one vote, I guess we should save all that money we have been wasting on elections.
The real reason for the surge in prosperity of the middle and lower classes after WWII: decimation of the ultra-wealthy throughout the developed world. Remember: the post WWII US income tax on the wealthy was 91% - literal decimation, for those who paid.
They also returned from the war to a much stronger welfare system.
Oh, hell yeah. My parents got 4 and 6 year college degrees based off the income of a teacher, hairdresser, mechanic, and night watchman. 100% debt free. Then their parents, who had $0 to their name at the start of WWII, helped my parents again by buying them a starter house. My parents were both school teachers, on that salary they built a new house in a golf course subdivision, new cars every couple of years including a brand new 6 cylinder BMW… Then the 80s came.
no doubt it’s all been squirrelled away into crypto. They’ll have fun trying to hold the guy accountable. Oh wait, no, accountability is for the poors.
Anyway, enjoy the sound of the keys jingling, folks
Let’s rename Montezuma’s Revenge to Trump’s Revenge while we are at it.
If he is just going to make executive order to change shit he doesn’t like and not follow the law. Who says I have to follow them too? Still the Gulf of Mexico to me! 😂
Such a weird thing for everyone to fixate on and lose their shit. Let our dumbass en-US selves do whatever “official” dumbass thing we have to with the name.
Everyone else can leave it what it always was.
Next time there’s a Democrat U.S. President, the “en-US” term will be changed back to Gulf of Mexico.
This is stupid.
I’m going to be looking for ways to make the name even more Mexican now. Maybe just perfect my Spanish at least for that one phrase. Gwalfo de Meh-hee-co
Since Trump is slang for fart in UK, I propose it be re-renamed to Guff of America in his honour. I bet he wouldn’t even notice.
Apparently the family name moving to America was “Trumpf”, so that fits well given its a fart with a little trailing ‘pfff’, likely caused from the subtle loosening of a well used asshole.
To reiterate, GNIS and GNS are only relevant to an appropriately qualified official_name tag, not a name tag, because of the on the ground rule. For this kind of feature, common sense would place a lot of weight on overall common usage, since sending someone to survey the facts “on the ground” would be… difficult.
Yeah that certainly seems difficult
It’s calles the Gulf of Mexico, people should stop using different names in different languages and use the actual name.
Like The Netherlands is called The Netherlands and two of it’s provinces are called Holland
Golfo de México is just as annoying, well done.