Christ, I wish Americans would get over their embarrassment that half their population has a vagina.
This feels like a reference to a streamer video I’ve never seen
We also renamed the Cockerel to Rooster.
Not loving guns and murder? Unamerican communist!
Talking about a lady’s body parts or for that matter anything remotely related to sexuality? Jesus Christ won’t someone please save our children from this fate worse than death!?
Right now…you might want to start loving guns.
I don’t know if you haven’t noticed but there are literal nazis in the Whitehouse.
This anti-gun shit needs to stop from progressives. The fascist already have them.
Idk about the urban left, but us in the rural left have been armed our whole lives.
I’d say it’s the urban left, I’m like you rural and left and armed.
Hypocrisy. Bought some lube on amazon, and they sent a print pamphlet ad for vibrators to my parents adress addressed to me but now they want to talk about embarrassing?
Lol but they are fine with reminding me constantly of the one time I bought syringes for “a friend” with addiction years ago.
Edit: to be clear I don’t use Amazon anymore as of last year and this is another good reason why.
Bought replacement float and toilet seat last week to fix my aunts toilet.
Amazon now thinks I’m a toilet repair technician or some shit. I see nothing but different kinds of floats, stoppers, tank gaskets, seats, bidets, anything that can go in or on a toilet, Amazon thinks I need.
I’ve never been ad bombarded this hard before, and it’s about toilet parts.
I bought a bidet like six years ago (right before the pandemic) and Amazon is convinced I need to buy another one every single week. How many toilets do you think I have, Amazon?
Well Bezos probably has like 20 toilets in each of his mansions, so he’s just skewing the averages.
All of the recommendations go through a mandatory “Bezos Filter”
I would be much more embarrassed having a potent punani than buying products. 🤷🏿♀️
Looking up Vuva, they sell neodymium magnet embedded dildos. I can’t speak to the medical efficacy, I’m just saying what they look like.
Somehow Amazon doesn’t like that but is OK with actual dildos?
Magnets are snake oil. They have no effect on the human body. Don’t waste your money.
I disagree. The human body is mostly water. Water is slightly diamagnetic. Therefore, a sufficiently strong magnet is capable of levitating a human body off the ground.
Magnets can definitely have an effect, just not at puny neodymium magnet levels!
Dude, what the fuck!
Fuck Amazon but it would be nice if we had an FDA to get rid of this crank magnet health product that WIRED is promoting.
Go ahead and search the word dildo into Amazon.